

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

An apology message


seems like you are getting more active on this blog nowadays. Improvement. Haha. Just Joking. Anyway you didn't read the title wrongly. I wish to make an apology here. Last few days maybe i was a bit harsh on my words. You are right! We should maintian a positive and lively tone of communicating throughout our whole partnership. Pardon me for my impatient and the ugly words. I have put too much blame on the laptop for the failure of last meeting. I should have shift the focus onto myself instead and perhaps reflect on what i can actually do to prevent such things from occuring again instead of complaining. Your mistake is not totally your mistake, we shared the mistake cause we are one partnership. Your failure is my failure. Only if we take sole responsibility of the failure and improve on our individual strength then can we compensate on other shortness and thus taking charge of the end result and eventually in control of the success.

Now lets us forget the past and chiong forward. January is coming. Hope we have a good start for a good year. Thanks for everything!

Chia Keen

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